Keeping communities safe

Every person in every community wants to feel safe

We know people have been going through a lot these last few years. The incidents of crime, violence and hate we’re seeing here and around the world are worrying. 

And the problems people are facing – toxic drugs, homelessness and mental health – have gotten harder.

That is why we’re taking action to tackle these challenges head on and get at the root causes so we can keep people safe and communities strong. And it’s starting to make a difference.

Take back your intimate images

Get support if an intimate image of you was shared without your consent or if someone has threatened to share it.

Support for victims of crime

Access 24/7 support for all victims of crime, including family and sexual violence, human trafficking and hate from VictimLinkBC. Services available in 150 languages.

Secure your small business

Apply for a small business rebate to help cover the costs of repairing vandalism and preventing crime.

Cost of living challenges we’re seeing here and around the world are pushing more vulnerable people into homelessness. Encampments are not the answer. That is why we’re doing everything we can to deliver more homes and supports, so people can move into stable homes and get the help they need to leave the homelessness cycle for good.

Belonging in BC homelessness plan

Working to prevent and reduce homelessness by providing more support for people at risk of becoming homeless and addressing the factors that lead to it.

Supporting people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

Opening more shelters and building more affordable and supportive homes for people in need, and helping people keep the homes they have by capping rent increases and supporting renters facing an unexpected financial crisis.

Responding to encampments quickly

Providing rapid, coordinated and personalized support to help people living in unsafe conditions outdoors access the health and social services they need and move into safe shelters and stable housing.

We’re working to deliver the mental health and addiction care people need to live full and healthy lives, including prevention, early intervention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery.

Intervening early

Helping people access care soon by increasing support in schools, expanding youth Foundry Centres, providing free or low-cost community counselling, and supporting parents and caregivers.

Connecting people to care

Expanding treatment options and opening more treatment and recovery beds across the province so people can get the care they need closer to home.

Supporting ongoing wellness and recovery

Creating pathways to recovery so people can build community connections, resiliency, wellness, life-skills programming and relapse prevention.

Expanding peer assisted care teams

Expanding mental health response teams led by trained mental health professionals and peer support workers so people in crisis get trauma-informed care and police can focus on crime.

Expanding community safety situation tables

Bringing together front-line public safety, health and social services staff to intervene and connect vulnerable people to support to help lower their risk of being victimized, harming themselves or others, or criminal offending.

Bringing on more first responders

Recruiting and training more paramedics and first responders so people can get the care they need in times of crisis and medical emergency.