Homes for people, faster
We’re taking action to build and deliver more homes for people, faster.
We are tackling big challenges head on, fixing outdated zoning rules, building more homes closer to amenities and transit, and speeding up approval processes. We’re also taking action to stop speculators, reducing vacant homes, and reining in the short-term rental market to open up more long-term homes for people.
It’s all part of our Homes for People Action Plan (PDF, 5.8 MB) to deliver more homes for people, and build a brighter future for everyone, in every community in B.C.
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Add additional units to your home or property
New rules are making it easier, faster and more affordable to add a second, third or even fourth unit to your home. There are also standardized designs being developed to help home builders, both big and small, develop more duplexes, triplexes and row homes.

Secondary Suite Incentive Program
Do you have an unfinished basement or portion of your property that could be turned into a secondary suite? The Secondary Suite Incentive Program will provide money for eligible homeowners with the costs of creating a new secondary suite on their property to be rented out.

$400 dollar credit for renters
If you are currently renting in B.C. you could be eligible to receive up to $400 through the new B.C. renter’s tax credit.
No action is required outside of completing your yearly income tax and benefit form (T1).
Find out if you are eligible for this credit.

Residential Tenancy Branch
B.C. is improving services and wait times for tenants and landlords at the Residential Tenancy Branch.
Are you being unfairly evicted? Is a tenant not paying rent? Get a dispute resolved quicker or submit a complaint for investigation.

Rental assistance programs
Rental assistance programs are available for those who qualify to help with rent costs.

Rent Bank support for short-term financial challenges
Rent Banks are available throughout the province for people facing a temporary and unexpected financial crisis and unable to pay rent or an essential housing costs (heat, electricity).
Building and delivering more homes, faster
We are tackling the housing crisis head on and taking action to build more homes people can afford. We are also speeding up the construction and delivery of homes by fixing outdated zoning rules, building more homes closer to transit hubs and creating more small-scale, multi-unit homes that work better for people and growing families.

Building more homes for middle-income earners
Too many homes are out of reach for people, even middle-income households making a good income. That’s why we’re leveraging government, community, and non-profit lands and low-cost financing to get more homes built that work better for people’s budgets. BC Builds will mean lower construction costs, faster timelines, and more homes people can afford in communities they love.

Simplifying the building permit process
It’ll now be faster to build homes for people in B.C. Online permitting will let B.C. communities review and approve permits faster and easier. This means housing projects can get going sooner so that people can stay in the communities they love.

Building thousands of subsidized housing people can afford
We have made real progress over the past years to deliver housing for people in B.C., but the pandemic, inflation, and soaring housing prices around the world brought new complexities.
That’s why we are taking strong action and doubling down our efforts to build thousands of affordable rental homes for low-income families, independent seniors and individuals.

Delivering more secondary suites, townhouses, duplexes, and triplexes in communities
B.C. needs more housing options, but outdated zoning laws are limiting many communities to only condo towers and houses for just one family.
These types of homes don’t work for everyone. People want more housing choices and options. That’s why we are taking action and making it easier to build more secondary suites, duplexes, row homes and townhouses.
This means more homes in existing neighbourhoods and more homes within reach.

Building more vibrant neighbourhoods near transit
Outdated rules and regulations are making it difficult to build enough homes near rapid transit stations (SkyTrain) and bus exchanges. We’re taking action to create more vibrant, connected and livable communities with new rules that will allow for more homes to be built near transit and amenities.

Secondary suite incentive pilot program
Homeowners who want to do their part and help with the housing crisis will be able to apply for loans to build and rent secondary suites – one of the fastest ways we can add new housing supply.
Beginning in early 2024, people can access a forgivable loan of 50% of the cost of renovations, up to a maximum of $40,000 over five years.

Creating housing targets so more people can live closer to where they work
New legislation will set out housing targets for municipalities to meet. This will help increase the number of homes in B.C. in communities with the highest growth and highest projected need.
This means more people will be able find a home in the community they love.

Speeding up permitting and approvals to get homes built faster
A new, streamlined permitting process will make approvals easier, so construction on new homes for people can get underway, faster.

Building more homes on campus for post-secondary students
When young people move away from home for school, they need to be able to find safe, secure and affordable housing.
That’s why we are taking action to ease the housing challenges faced by students, while reducing pressures on the local rental market by building 12,000 student beds at schools throughout B.C.

New development tools to help build more sustainable communities
Changes to local government legislation provide new and updated development finance tools that local governments can use to help fund the costs of infrastructure and amenities needed to support complete and livable communities.
By doing this, we’re not just building homes for people, but also more sustainable, well-planned communities.
Making homes more affordable for people and protecting renters
One of the biggest challenges facing people in British Columbia is finding a decent place to live that they can afford. That’s why we are focusing on easing the pressure of housing costs by working to make rent more affordable, protecting existing rental units and providing more housing for students.

Protecting renters from bad faith evictions
Starting July 18, landlords will have more support and renters will have more protection when renters are evicted from a unit for the landlord’s personal or caretaker use. Landlords will need to submit notices through an online web portal.

New Renters Tax Credit
Starting in 2024, moderate and low-income renters in B.C. can get up to $400 with a new income-tested renter’s tax credit. The credit will help more than 80% of B.C. renting households.

18+ age restrictions removed on stratas
New changes to the Strata Property Act will remove age restrictions in most B.C. strata buildings (55+ buildings will remain).
This means thousands more families can find good homes and people who decide to have children won’t have to leave their homes.

Annual rent increases capped well below inflation
Rent increases in 2023 are capped well below inflation at 3.5% to make sure renters can continue to afford their homes, especially at a time when other costs continue to increase.

Strata rental bans: removed
Stratas will no longer be able to stop condo owners from renting out their homes.
This will open up vacant units for rental and means there will be more homes to rent all over B.C. Strata short-term rental bans, like Airbnb, remain in place.

Taking action to protect affordable rentals
A new $500 million fund will soon be available to non-profit housing organizations to purchase affordable rental buildings and co-ops. This will help make sure these rentals stay on the market and people are better protected from renovictions and big rent spikes.
Supporting those with the greatest housing need
With rising costs from global inflation and a time when life feels uncertain for many, it’s more important than ever to work together to solve big challenges and support those in need. That’s why we are taking action and increasing the amount of support, shelter and housing available for those at risk or experiencing homelessness, as well as support for those with an unexpected financial crisis.

First-time home buyers exemption
For many, buying a first home is the largest purchase they’ll make. That’s why we’re helping more first-time buyers save up to $8,000 by raising the property transfer tax exemption threshold. People buying newly constructed homes and landlords building new rental buildings will also save. These changes will lower the cost of homes for more people.

BC Rent Bank support for financial emergencies
Rent Banks are available throughout the province for people facing a temporary and unexpected financial crisis and unable to pay rent or an essential housing costs (heat, electricity).

Building more supportive housing to prevent homelessness
Like so many other jurisdictions around the world, the pandemic profoundly impacted B.C.’s housing market, pushing some of the most vulnerable people with the greatest housing insecurity out of the housing market altogether.
That’s why we are taking action, and doubling down on our work to build thousands of additional supportive housing units for people who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness.

More housing for people with complex care needs
New supportive homes with wrap-around services are getting built throughout B.C. helping more people with complex needs access a safe and secure place to stay, where more people can build a good life.

More safe, supportive homes for women and children leaving violence
Safe housing is fundamental for women, gender-diverse people, and their children who are reshaping their lives after experiencing violence or trauma,
That’s why we are building more spaces that will provide safety, supports and services that can help rebuild people’s lives. Many of these homes will have supports available for women, including transgender women, Two-Spirit, and non-binary people, and their dependent children who are experiencing or are at risk of violence.

Delivering temporary modular housing throughout B.C.
Providing people with a warm place to stay is the first step in helping people find secure and safe housing. That’s why we are continuing our work to provide thousands of modular homes in communities throughout B.C.
Creating a housing market for people, not speculators
We are taking action to build a housing market that puts people first by taking on wealthy speculators, cracking down on criminal activity in B.C.’s real estate market, and making sure vacant homes are turned into long-term homes for people.

New B.C. Home Flipping Tax
Houses should be homes for people, not investments for speculators. To discourage investors from driving up prices, we’re introducing the BC Home Flipping Tax on January 1, 2025. This will be a tax on profit made from selling a residential property within two years of buying it. The tax proceeds will go directly to building affordable housing throughout B.C.

Turning short-term rentals into homes for people
Short-term vacation rentals have surged in recent years and are taking away homes people need in many communities. We’re taking action to give local governments better tools to ensure hosts play by the rules – and returning short-term rentals into more homes to people.

Expanding the Speculation and Vacancy Tax
The Speculation and Vacancy Tax is helping turn empty units into homes for people and creating affordable housing. Starting in 2025, 13 additional communities will be required to declare based on how they used their properties. This will help create more homes in communities throughout B.C.

New Homebuyer Protection Period
Buying a home is a huge decision.
People should not feel rushed.
That’s why we are introducing A three-business-day protection period which will allow for more time to secure financing and arrange home inspections.

Cracking down on criminal activity in real estate
We’ll keep taking action by taking on criminals using B.C.’s real estate market for illegal reasons. We are doing this through number of measures, including through unexplained wealth orders and new partnerships with the Federal Government.

Removing hidden money in B.C. Real Estate
We are committed to bringing more transparency into land ownership in B.C. by launching the first-of-its-kind Land Owner Transparency Registry.
This is a powerful tool to close tax loopholes, fight tax evasion and help stop money laundering in B.C.’s real estate market.

Expanding + Increasing the Foreign Buyers Tax
To help make sure homes are for people, not tools for investors, we increased the Foreign Buyers Tax to additional communities and raised the rate to 20 percent. This Tax is helping deter those speculating in B.C.’s housing market, and penalizing those who do.
Where we are today
Homes complete, under construction or in-progress as of June 30, 2024